Fluid level:
Distance between well head and point to which fluid rises in the well.Terms Related to Fluid level
Static fluid level
The level to which fluid rises in a well when the well is shut in.
Pit-level indicator
One of a series of devices that continuously monitor the level of the drilling mud in the mud tanks. The indicator usually consists of float ...
Depth reference
The point in a well from which depth is measured. Alternatively, the depth reference is the point at which the depth is defined as being ...
Pit volume totalizer (pvt)
Trade name for a type of pit-level indicator. See pit-level indicator.
A device that reduces the pressure or volume of a fluid flowing in a line and maintains the pressure or volume at a specified level.
Slug the pipe
To pump a quantity of heavy mud into the drill pipe. Before hoisting drill pipe, it is desirable (if possible) to pump into its top ...
1. To pass from one point throughout a system and back to the starting point. For example, drilling fluid is circulated out of the suction ...
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